Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
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Let's face it, western medicine is stumped when it comes to these and other systemic conditions. Their drugs don't work. Life style changes often do work. Why? Probably because these conditions affect the totality of the individual - their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves. And most medical doctors don't realize the importance of environmental factors on the human body (did you know that cool white floursecent lights are banned from Germany's hospitals and government buildings because they are considered a health hazard?)
What to do first.
First we look at strengthening your nutritional program. This is the basis for good health. Don't think that you can skip this part. Only 1-3% of us eat a diet that provides the essential nourishment that our body needs. Supplementation is more than important, for you it is a critical necessity. And the products that you take must be bio-available - they must be manufactured in such a way that the body can use them. I recommend Shaklee: clinically tested, clinically proven to be effective.

Next: Magnet Therapy
Why magnet therapy? Because it works! Numerous scientific studies show that sleeping on a "quality" magnetic mattress pad helps fibromyalgia patients. And for quality there's only one company: Nikken. Do the research yourself. Only Nikken has the clinical studies to prove it and only Nikken products produce the results you want. Don't settle for inferior products.
Communication is important: we will need to talk. Based on your progress, there will be many options available for you.